Our mission inspires us. As does the journey that lies ahead.

What moves us

At Cabify, we connect individuals and businesses with the means of transportation that best suit their needs. With the aim of making cities better places to live, we have created a sustainable business model guided by ethical principles to help us act responsibly. More than simply “mobility as a service” (MaaS), we seek to offer a future of new possibilities to the more than 40 cities in which we operate while respecting the people that live there and the environment.

Our journey

Founded in 2011 in Madrid, we spread to Latin America within a few months and we’re currently present in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Spain, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. In 2018 we reaffirmed our commitment to diversity and equality by joining the UN Global Compact, the largest Corporate Social Responsibility project in the world. Today we have over 1,000 direct employees and we create self-employment opportunities for hundreds of thousands of driver partners, supporting local talent in all our markets

Our guiding principles

Management team

The people who design the path to transform mobility in our cities.

Partnerships for change

We work together to transform our communities.

Our principles

Our actions are guided by clear and transparent codes of conduct

Join us!

Together, we can make the difference

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